Today has been one big whirlwind of a day... wake up slightly high thanks to a "high pressure bloackage" in my tubing. That was a pain this morning, let me tell you. I wake up around 3am-ish to a beeping and vibrating pump. Half asleep I'm asking it "whats wrong with you now, a nightmare?"... yes, it was a nightmare, not for my pump but for me. Apparently the pump was beeping and vibrating for 2 hours, it took me 2 hours to notice the beeps and vibrations! When my pump is free roaming in the bed with me it gets tangled up in the thick blankets, which ends up muffling all alerts. This morning was one of them. I get up to go grab the shopping list of supplies (tubing, site, battery, i.v. prep I use to make the sites stick, test strips, meter, poker, juice box) and get back into bed where its nice and warm. I check my blood sugar- 260. Well isn't that a bummer! So I change the tubing and the pump is happy again so I do a correction bolus and go back to sleep knowing that I'll be exhausted in the morning due to the interupted sleep.
I was still high when I got up 2 hours later so I bolus again, jump in the shower, spam and head off to work. All day my blood sugars have behaved themselves, which made me the happiest girl in the world. I even ate luch without bolusing and I was still "normal" afterwards. That reminds me, I have to call the doctors on thursday to get my basals adjusted- I am eating and testing all day to keep myself from going low.
I call my mom to chit chat after work while on the way to the gym when she tells me that some California company called me with info about a Navigator. She then goes on to tell me that my dad answered the call and told them I wasn't interested in buying a Navigator at this time. I freak out and was like "omg omg omg nooooooooooooo" and my mom is a little puzzled. I go on to explain that the Navigator is my continuous blood glucose monitor I've been waiting to hear about, not the car! So I go home instead of the gym and call the Abbott company back. they inform me that I'm missing page 2 of the patient questionaire and the patient release form. All giddy beyond giddy, I print those suckers out, fill them out (btw, I think her name was Helen- she walked me through filling it out and was so nice and understanding... I'm liking the company already!) and I fax them asap. On the way to the gym I call them back to confirm they received the forms, which they did. I'm waaaaaay excited... I think I'll be going cyborg...
All my gadgets will include (if you can picture this):
pump on one side, CGM on the other side, ipod in my pocket and ears, cell phone on the other ear, Nike+ ipod thing in my shoes... I'm almost completely cyborg!
Most people would be kinda concerned that my life is controlled by so much technology but I have no doubts. Being diabetic in the age of technological advances is really exciting and I've become a great troubleshooter when it comes to ALL electronic devices, whether they are hooked up to me or I use them at work, or in my car, etc.
I really can't wait to start using the Navigator and experiencing all of its flaws (if any) and working with it to solve all the problems (once again, if any).
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Born again diabetic...
Yes kids, I am back on the diabetes wagon. For most of my diabetic life (12 years now) I think I've kept a log book for only 2 years, and thats not consecutive years, its more like a month here... oh a month there....half a month here. How in the hell is my endo supposed to fix anything if I can't pinpoint whats doing what and what affects me when? One day I hope to be able to have a child, but if I can't keep care of myself now, who is to say I'd be able to keep care of myself and my child? I graduated college, but I feel like I've royally fucked up, so I'm going back to school for a second degree to raise my gpa and get a better job because... I fucked up. The same thing goes with my diabetes, all these years and I think I've seen maybe two A1Cs below 7 and a handful below 8, which is horrible... the last one a few weeks ago was exactly 8%. Once again... I fucked up. So I finally bit the bullet and sheepishly asked my endo for a log book. She hands me one, only one, knowing that I wouldn't keep it anyway so why bother with more? So far, I've kept this log book up to date with 99% of all tests I've done over the past 2 weeks and I know my numbers aren't great, but baby steps young whippersnapper, you'll make it through the challenges... wax on, wax off.
On a romantic side note: Marc has been taking really good care of me. He recognizes when I'm going low and makes me take a time out and hands me a juice box or when I'm high he suggests we do something low-key. The simplest little things make me feel so loved.
On a romantic side note: Marc has been taking really good care of me. He recognizes when I'm going low and makes me take a time out and hands me a juice box or when I'm high he suggests we do something low-key. The simplest little things make me feel so loved.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Well today has had a crappy start. The blood sugar vampires came and visited me TWICE in one night. You're probably thinking, "so what", right? Well its kinda a huge deal to me because it throws me for a diabetes circus act. I understand if it falls low once during the night because I went to the gym after work and I forgot to temporary decrease my basal rate on my cozmo pump, so really, I kinda deserve at least one visit. So I wake up around 2am with a bg of 74, so I figured I might at well eat something to keep me up and keep my stomach from growling like a pack of vicious animals. Dad made spagetti... so of course, I indulge in some spagetti, go back to bed, bolus for the extra carbs, and fall asleep a happy camper. Two hours later I wake up in a panic, I am at 54 and my cozmo hypo manager recommends eating 99 grams of carbs... *grumble grumle* This is why I get so mad at being diabetic... Im still full from eating but now I need to eat 99 grams of carbs? Are you kidding me? So of course I go to the kitchen in my less-than-half awake state and eat 99 grams of carbs... ok, I rounded up to 100. This morning I felt like I was in quicksand... all of my extremities were swollen (or at least they felt like it) my mouth and eyes were dry, I was thirsty... I didnt even have to test, I knew I was high. This automatically makes the day slightly sucky. I get in the shower and make my coffee with my splenda (now with fiber, which makes my intestines smile) and test... 376! *grumble grumble some more* I am really considering talking to my doctor to see if I can test out a few different contin. glucose monitoring systems so I can at least try to prevent these highs before I get to the peak of them.

off to work I go, but before I go... heres a bit of fun with Mr. Norris :)
sounds like:
blood sugar vampires,
cozmo hypo manager,
diabetes circus act
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