Well today has had a crappy start. The blood sugar vampires came and visited me TWICE in one night. You're probably thinking, "so what", right? Well its kinda a huge deal to me because it throws me for a diabetes circus act. I understand if it falls low once during the night because I went to the gym after work and I forgot to temporary decrease my basal rate on my cozmo pump, so really, I kinda deserve at least one visit. So I wake up around 2am with a bg of 74, so I figured I might at well eat something to keep me up and keep my stomach from growling like a pack of vicious animals. Dad made spagetti... so of course, I indulge in some spagetti, go back to bed, bolus for the extra carbs, and fall asleep a happy camper. Two hours later I wake up in a panic, I am at 54 and my cozmo hypo manager recommends eating 99 grams of carbs... *grumble grumle* This is why I get so mad at being diabetic... Im still full from eating but now I need to eat 99 grams of carbs? Are you kidding me? So of course I go to the kitchen in my less-than-half awake state and eat 99 grams of carbs... ok, I rounded up to 100. This morning I felt like I was in quicksand... all of my extremities were swollen (or at least they felt like it) my mouth and eyes were dry, I was thirsty... I didnt even have to test, I knew I was high. This automatically makes the day slightly sucky. I get in the shower and make my coffee with my splenda (now with fiber, which makes my intestines smile) and test... 376! *grumble grumble some more* I am really considering talking to my doctor to see if I can test out a few different contin. glucose monitoring systems so I can at least try to prevent these highs before I get to the peak of them.

off to work I go, but before I go... heres a bit of fun with Mr. Norris :)